Visual Intensity 4
Visual Intensity - Issue 4 (1994-05-29)(Dual 4Mat)(Disk 2 of 3).adf
Text File
166 lines
{ta{M{9 A S A U C E R F U L L O F S E C R E T S ( 1 9 6 8 )
{8 B Y S A B L E / I N D Y
{A{6 This was the second ever Pink
Floyd album,it has a mix of really
good tracks and really crap ones.
Corporal Clegg, for example, is shit
whereas Set the Controls isn't. To be
honest as a whole I'm not overly
impressed with the album. But then
I'm not that keen on Pink Floyd's
earlier Syd Barrett stuff and this
album, despite not really having Syd
on it, is still very much in his
{C{5Let There be light{6{A
The intro to this song has a sort
of indian feel to it. The middle of
the song has two bits to it, it starts
off with this loud fast section where
the words are difficult to make out
but seem to be about space and aliens
and stuff and then it flips to this
slower bit singing "Now, now, now is
the time, time, time to be, be, be
aware" and such like, it does this
about 3 times and then collapses into
a sort of noisy end with loads of
stuff happening at the same time.
This track, along with others is what
made people identify Pink Floyd with
Sci-Fi. It was written by Roger
{ta{A{6Waters and apparently the predominant
instrument is a 'closely miked cymbal
stroked very gently with soft mallets'
and this produced a sound that was
nothing at all like a cymbal. 6/10
{C{5Remember a Day{A{6
This is a slow song with nice
long notes, and a gentle, mellow
rhythm and an all round goodden. Syd
plays slide guitar on this one. Also
on 'Relics'. 7/10
{C{5Set the Controls for the Heart of the
A bit deep and dark this one, old
Roger Waters must have been a bit
depressed when he wrote it. Anyway
the music's good, but the lyrics are
being whispered and are so quiet that
you can barely hear what he's going on
about, probably setting those controls
for the heart of the sun, but who
knows. The title for this track was
taken from a Willliam S. Burroughs
novel and the words from a book of
chinese verse. This is the second of
Waters two tracks and again helped
create thier space age image. 8/10
{C{5Corporal Clegg{A{6
Unless this song has got some
sort of hidden meaning that I haven't
spotted then it's total crap and
deserves to be erased off of all
copies of the album immediately,
starts off crap and pinnacles at this
sort of kazoo noise at the end. This
is the first example we get of Waters
obsession with wars and war hero's
which he continued in the Wall and the
Final Cut among others. The problem
is, it's a load of crap. I think its
about the memories of a shell shocked
{ta{A{6guy after the First World War or
something. 2/10
{C{5Side Two A Saucerful of Secrets{A{6
The title track, obviously
enough. Starts with a long low note
slowly building up whilst the rest of
the song works around it. Lots of
weird noises, well weirder than usual,
sort of appear in the middle and
wobble around quite interestingly,
goes on for quite a while and in a
word is strange. One of the first
Pink Floyd tracks where Syd was
completely absent but it is still very
similar to the type of track Syd
created. This track is David
Gilmour's only credit (for composing)
on the whole album . Originally it
was called the 'Massed Gadgets of
Hercules' although I have absolutely
no reason why. The track is very
chaotic and changes tempo and style a
lot between the beginning and end.
Not at all like the last song,
its a bit difficult to describe, the
tempo changes all over the shop, the
words don't make any sense and all in
all it's a bit weird. It's working
title was 'The Most Boring Song I've
Ever Heard Bar Two' but it's not
actually that bad. It's a sort of
slow melodic track. 8/10
{C{5JugBand Blues{A{6
Best described as 'shatteringly
disjointed', under Syd's orders the
middle has the Salvation Army sextet
who were told to 'play what you want'.
Contains the line I'm wondering who
could be writing this song? which is
{ta{A{6a bit of an insight into our Syd's
brain but doesn't change the fact that
this track is bollocks 1/10
{C{5Album Cover{A{6
This was the first one that
Hipnosis did it has 13 images
superimposed on each other and is
supposed to simulate their light
shows. The images include the solar
system, a zodiac wheel, old photos of
an alchemist and his bottles of
potions and an infra red picture of
the band.
Look Sable, Barrett was a genius,
although he did go a little haywire on
the old acid his stuff was classic,
having smoked many a joint with Relics
I think that they have'nt really been
a patch on the earlier stuff since,
the group are still brilliant but they
have just lost that little bit of
neurotacism that Barrett gave them, I
mean listening to the end of Inter
Stellar overdrive you'd think that
either you've either smoked to much or
your stereo is on the blink!!! For
the record I think that the wall is a
load of cack!!!! The new album is
mega but thats another review!!!!